Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 7 for Activity Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 2 for Activity Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 4 for Activity Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Tickets and Guided Tour
Picture 8 for Activity Bucharest: Palace of Parliament Tickets and Guided Tour

Bucarest: entradas al Palacio del Parlamento y visita guiada

CT&T, Romania​
7 de 10
Cancelación gratuita disponible
El precio es de MXN$527. por adulto
  • Cancelación gratuita disponible
  • 1 h
  • Voucher móvil
  • Confirmación instantánea
  • Varios idiomas
Datos generales
  • El segundo edificio administrativo más grande del mundo.
  • El principal símbolo de la arquitectura comunista en Bucarest.
  • Impresionante arquitectura con ricas decoraciones.

Ubicación de la actividad

    • Bucharest
    • Bucharest, București, Romania

Punto de canje/encuentro

    • Strada Izvor 2-4, București 041037, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance A3S2 of the Palace of Parliament, located on the Northern side of the building, from 2-4, Izvor street and Izvor Park, Monday to Friday, if no other mentioned. It's on the right side looking at the building from Constitution Square in front of the building. At the weekends the tours are starting from entrance B3, located on the South-Western side of the building, from street Calea 13 Septembrie 1-3. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. Walk through the inner court and the parking area. Inside the building, on the coffee shop area, you will find our representative wearing a CT&T badge and will accompany you to the passports control after validating your tickets, 15 min before the tour starts. There, show your original ID (E.U.)/Passport and pass through the security checkpoint.
    • București, București, Romania

Hay varios puntos de encuentro. Consulta los detalles de la ubicación para ver la lista completa

Ver disponibilidad

Tour en italiano
  • La actividad dura 1 hora1 h1 h
  • Italiano
Opciones de idioma: Italiano
Hora de inicio: 14:30
Detalles del precio
MXN$527 x 1 adultoMXN$527

El precio es de MXN$527.
Hasta el jue., 2 ene.
gira en rumano
  • La actividad dura 1 hora1 h1 h
  • Rumano
Opciones de idioma: Rumano
Hora de inicio: 13:30
Detalles del precio
MXN$527 x 1 adultoMXN$527

El precio es de MXN$527.
Hasta el jue., 2 ene.
Es posible que el contenido de esta página se haya traducido automáticamente.

Qué incluye o no

  • IncluyeIncluyeEntradas para la visita oficial al Palacio del Parlamento
  • No incluyeNo incluyeTarifas de fotos y videos, si las hubiera.

Información útil para antes de reservar

  • No se permite: equipaje o bolsas grandes, mascotas, armas u objetos afilados
  • No apto para: personas con afecciones médicas preexistentes, usuarios de sillas de ruedas

De qué se trata

Conocida en el pasado como Casa Republicii y luego Casa Poporului, pero no para el pueblo, es el principal símbolo de la era comunista, destinada a albergar los ministerios, las oficinas del Partido Comunista o los apartamentos temporales de altos funcionarios. Fue construido a partir de 1984 en el lugar más seguro de la ciudad, teniendo en cuenta el alto riesgo de terremotos, tiene 9 pisos y 4 niveles subterráneos.
A lo largo del recorrido, pasará por las salas más importantes del edificio, las salas de conferencias, el balcón con una gran vista de la plaza principal (lamentablemente no está disponible por el momento), las escaleras principales, los grandes pasillos, las impresionantes galerías o la Sala de Plenos del Senado (disponible solo en los recorridos que se realizan en este lado del edificio los fines de semana). Le sorprenderán los interiores profusamente decorados, todos hechos con materiales locales (mármol, cristal, alfombras, cortinas, estuco) y por los artesanos locales.


Ubicación de la actividad

    • Bucharest
    • Bucharest, București, Romania

Punto de canje/encuentro

    • Strada Izvor 2-4, București 041037, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance A3S2 of the Palace of Parliament, located on the Northern side of the building, from 2-4, Izvor street and Izvor Park, Monday to Friday, if no other mentioned. It's on the right side looking at the building from Constitution Square in front of the building. At the weekends the tours are starting from entrance B3, located on the South-Western side of the building, from street Calea 13 Septembrie 1-3. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. Walk through the inner court and the parking area. Inside the building, on the coffee shop area, you will find our representative wearing a CT&T badge and will accompany you to the passports control after validating your tickets, 15 min before the tour starts. There, show your original ID (E.U.)/Passport and pass through the security checkpoint.
    • București, București, Romania
    • C3HQ+X3 Bucharest, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance A3S2 of the Palace of Parliament, located on the Northern side of the building, from 2-4, Izvor street and Izvor Park, Monday to Friday, if no other mentioned. It's on the right side looking at the building from Constitution Square in front of the building. At the weekends the tours are starting from entrance B3, located on the South-Western side of the building, from street Calea 13 Septembrie 1-3. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. Walk through the inner court and the parking area. Inside the building, on the coffee shop area, you will find our representative wearing a CT&T badge and will accompany you to the passports control after validating your tickets, 15 min before the tour starts. There, show your original ID (E.U.)/Passport and pass through the security checkpoint.
    • Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania
    • C3HQ+X3 Bucharest, Romania | Go to the visitor's entrance A3S2 of the Palace of Parliament, located on the Northern side of the building, from 2-4, Izvor street and Izvor Park, Monday to Friday, if no other mentioned. It's on the right side looking at the building from Constitution Square in front of the building. At the weekends the tours are starting from entrance B3, located on the South-Western side of the building, from street Calea 13 Septembrie 1-3. Pass by the security point/gate located at the exterior wall surrounding the building. Walk through the inner court and the parking area. Inside the building, on the coffee shop area, you will find our representative wearing a CT&T badge and will accompany you to the passports control after validating your tickets, 15 min before the tour starts. There, show your original ID (E.U.)/Passport and pass through the security checkpoint.
    • Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania