The cabin was in a great location and had beautiful views of the surrounding area. I think it would be a nice location in the winter, but we went during the summer and didn't feel it was adequately equipped for that. The majority of the house (and view) are west facing so it gets all the afternoon sun and gets pretty warm. There also isn't any built-in AC, so they placed portable AC units in the living room and the first bedroom. They worked, but they were loud and the one in the smaller bedroom made the window inoperable, so you either had to sleep with the loud AC or sleep in the heat (with no fan). There are also a lot of windows in general, which provides for great views, but some of the windows in the bedrooms don't have blinds or if they do, they are light filtering. It just makes it tougher for small kids with an earlier bedtime. And you just have to be okay with rising early in the morning.