It is such a nice property for vacation & location but I suppose last or last few occupants have left the property dirty.
All beds had dirty sheet and smelly pillows which made me buy all new sheets to be able to sleep. I have cleaned the property before departure as it should be and strongly suggest inspection upon every departure to maintain it. I have my personal batch Central north island hence know importance of holiday arrival guests when you want to relax and enjoy family time, if all guests can be considerate about keeping property clean, this can be my repeat destination but it was in a very disgusting moment for my family to start holiday when it was expensive stay, I don’t mind expensive but when someone is willing to pay such amount, it should be worth the stay and this wasn’t for me on this occasion.
I have bought freshener and left that in toilets which should have been supplied. Bathroom should also be supplied with sqeezy to wipe windows. Vacuum was functioning, garage door needs replacing or removal of garage carpet as during rain it was very smelly because garage door leaks while opening & closing specially when it rains. Key holder was next to main ranch slider and not next to gas bottle.
It is very nice property & location, if few things can be maintained and enforced, I will be one of many return guests. Price to me wasn’t fair on condition I was took possession of property.